Dear Golfers,
In my 24 years of working on this golf course, I cannot remember ever having so much hot weather and so little rain during the golf season. This has been a record breaking year with the highest temperature ever recorded in Baden Württemberg (106 F). The hot and dry weather has been great for playing golf, but not so great for turf growth.
The greens, surround areas, approaches, tees and fairways are irrigated using an automated irrigation system, while other areas are watered with hoses and sprinklers. These areas, for the most part, are in fantastic condition. The roughs, however, are not covered under this system. This is why the roughs are brown instead of green. The roughs, however, will recover nicely as soon as the summer comes to an end and/or we get more rain.
It is now more important than ever to make sure that you replace your divots, repair your ballmarks, follow course signage and stay off of worn areas, especially areas that are roped off. Please keep your pull/push carts on the paths around the green complexes. Adhering to course signage and rules will reduce the impact of stress on the turf and help us to provide you with the best possible playing conditions.
The SGC Club Championship will take place on 21-23 August with the practice round being played on the 21st. The following week the German Club Neckartal will have their Club Championship on the 29th and 30th.. We will be aerifying greens on the 31st of Aug and 1st of Sept (weather permitting). The aerification of the greens will improve the turf stand by reducing compaction and allowing for better drainage of the greens.
As always, we appreciate your understanding and patience with the maintenance staff and work on the course, and will continue to make sure that your golfing experience in Stuttgart is a memorable one.
Chris Konik
SGC Superintendent
07. Aug 2015